Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blood Blisters On The Throat

Hello everyone I am the promoter of Tradmod Giulio Venier. The idea came from a similar group Austrian (Dipl.Ing. Dr. Ludwig Wiener ) Halstatt the area who meet to try and play in traditional farmhouses and situations. Tradmod is a cultural association of music and folk traditions and revived in a contemporary way that is responsible for about two years to arrange meetings violin popular in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Tradmod are now a good group that meet every month (about a dozen meetings to 'active) with the' idea of \u200b\u200bplaying and learning but also some folk get together and have fun. The components are very heterogeneous
we fans of folk fiddlers and more or less experienced and so far we have focused on execution and style of traditional melodies local executive (even something foreign !)
with interesting results. The next meeting will be this week (May 8) to Villuzza Ragogna restaurant in Tabin and 13 June in San Daniele Contessi farm.


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