Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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If not now when? Meeting with

Call for a Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of corruption and mafia in Milanese territory

the Mafia in Milan exist. The facts show that the "financial capital" corruption persists in an invasive manner. Vincenzo Macri , component of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, ensure that "Milan is the real capital of the 'Ndrangheta." There is also talk of the Mafia, Camorra, Sacra Corona Unita. A witness are made legally prosecuted is still in progress. Politics and economics weave dangerous liaisons with representatives of the gangs.

Several murders were committed by the Mafia in recent months, we remember last Cataldo Aloisio, 34, shot in the North West of Milan by a gunshot to the neck.

explains Gianni Barbacetto , a power no longer hidden in the city and took office as a hydra multitentacolare tends to permeate the social, economic and political.

The emergency in the city is directed toward the Roma, or to theft and robbery which are in sharp decline in recent years: the rest there. It is not clear that the often petty crime exists because there is macrocriminalità organizations Mafia.

The Mafia in Milan, as Giampiero Rossi writes in his book, there is still some time now in different sectors: from street dealers on the road to financial advisors, accountants, directors of the bank offices "softened" the center of town, capital of the "business".

The macrocriminalità recycles the money which is provided by a certain bank loans and stock exchange that, while not organic to the "legs", is an accomplice of a system of corruption and pollution of free competition.

Mafia is a cultural problem, asserts Giovanni Impastato, Peppino's brother. And in North the dominant culture is that of illegality.

should create a commission to control the procurement of EXPO, a special commission of inquiry into the mafia interests active in the city area: the proposal lies in City Council, despite the appreciation of transverse scored.

Civil society, associations for the legality, Don Gino Rigoldi, Free, intellectuals and scholars have repeatedly made the proposal even before allocation Expo in Milan. But the administration has always seemed deaf to a unanimous request to address the emergency of 'illegal mafia, corrosive of civil coexistence and social development of our city.

should immediately activate any form useful to return to Milan a culture of legality, which is a culture of democracy, justice Social and equality.

We ask that you join this appeal that some towns and citizens being asked to direct the City Administration immediately and approve a Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of corruption and Mafia in Milan, consistent with the view taken by most speakers in the meeting in memory of Peppino Impastato, held at Palazzo Marino own September 16, 2008.

Leave your membership at ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... writing:

adhere call " If not now when? Call for a Commission of Inquiry into the phenomenon of corruption and the mafia in the Milan area to be sent to the Administration C omunale in Milan. "

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

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Giulietto Church - Friday, October 17, 2008 at 21:00


Association "The Lighthouse" Canegrate


Many are seriously concerned about what is happening in the world and in our country.

The world financial crisis with no brakes, only to find that with the historic 1929, will probably kneeling on the real economy in coming years.

The collapse of the ecosystem global risk is a more tangible and close.

winds of war sweep the planet, backed by huge economic interests and ideologies distorted and thwarted by policies of peace increasingly weak.

As for our country, it seems to have taken the route of a major decline in the cultural, social, economic and political.

mafia-type criminal organizations have now taken over a large chunk of our economy, and their intertwining with political and financial environments are more and more sprawling.

Freedom of information is seriously compromised by conflicts of interest and the heavy conditioning of political forces.

The independence of the judiciary, a cornerstone of any liberal democracy, is under severe threat.

The waves of immigration, along with sincere expressions of solidarity, they're bringing out the worst feelings of the Italian population, fear the refusal open up to feelings of racism.

are also emerging profound economic contradictions, they see the increasingly widening gap between a privileged elite and the rest of the population, more or less slowly slipping into poverty.

Faced with this situation, the politics, that is the place where they should be prepared responses to these issues, shows a desolate landscape. I think Today many citizens of our country united by sincere feelings and important democratic core values \u200b\u200bdo not feel adequately represented by any of the political forces in the field.

The cultural association "Il Faro" as early as last May had called for the attention of citizens of Legnano on the need to fill this "empty" politician, with a public meeting entitled "The party that does not exist", which participated Elio Veltri, Vittorio Agnoletto, Basilio Rizzo.

few days ago by Paolo Flores D'Arcais authoritative pages Micromega has launched a major policy forum ("Another Italy, another opposition") in which the forces called the appeal of "democratic resistance" to the presentation of a national civil list to the next European elections.

The "Lighthouse" considers this proposal and the discussion that followed it of great importance for the future of the country.

why he arranged for Friday, October 17 at 21.00, at the Circle Brotherhood and Peace Street San Bernardino, 12 Legnano, a public meeting with Giulietto Church, journalist and MEP, right on these issues.

All citizens, associations and journalists are invited Legnano.

Andrea Rapetti

President of "The Lighthouse"

Click on poster to enlarge

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Letter from the President of the "Faro" the director of Micromega Paolo Flores D'Arcais

Dear Editor,

I read with great pleasure your editorial, has opened a fundamental debate in this moment for the democratic life of our country.

Milan (as in the rest of the country) there are many organizations (associations, movements, meetups ...) which, while different in their specificity, are united by the urgency that many people feel to "do something" to counter the many problems that have beset our country or we see looming in the near future (economic crisis, impoverishment, climate emergency and environmental risks of conflicts, rampant lawlessness mafia ...).

All these actually trying somehow to fill a big void we feel in the political sphere, namely in the dimension that should give answers to these problems and instead feel that as more and more remote from citizens, even when more and more self-accomplice and directly responsible.

This wealth of experience, skills, intelligence and energy is an archipelago of small islands, if they could meet in a big continent, might be the real news, the only one able to make possible a turn for the our country.

in recent months in Milan have been held meetings organized by the cultural association "Il Faro", which was launched the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a completely new political proposal that looks to the future and not the past, built through the collaboration of all those (individuals, associations, movements, civil lists) who wish to participate. This proposal is entirely in keeping with that you have launched, which we fully agree, but as we share the concerns highlighted by many of the difficulties of the enterprise.

the meetings referred to above were some representatives or representatives of the following associative realities:

ATDAL ((Association for the Preservation of acquired rights of workers)

cultural association "Il Faro"

Rete Lilliput

national civic list for the Common Good

List civic " United to Milan with Dario For "

Meetup" breathing down his neck "and" speaker Grilli di Milano "

Association Megachip

Punto Rosso di Milano

Humanist Party Website" Another 68 "

Association Design and live another Milan

From these meetings emerged a general interest in the project, but also many reservations and concerns.

We have identified those that we believe should be the key points of a new political force in civil society:

1) fight widespread impoverishment (addressing the problem of salaries and pensions, housing, health ticket , school fees);

2) protection of workers (employees and must give new hope to new generations the problem of insecurity, impoverishment general safety in the workplace);

3) public participation in the life democracy (Law election to return power to the citizen and the right choice of forum; reform of the party system, to restore a proper relationship between voters and elected officials, code of ethics for political solidarity federalism);

4) environment - energy - area - infrastructure (the environmental emergency is imposed as an absolute priority, we still need a renewed environmentalism that combines environmental protection with modernization of the country, defense of water as a common good, development of renewable energy, energy conservation, rethinking of the transport system in our country, a political eco-differentiated waste disposal);

5) Law and security (on the side of honest citizens, fight against organized crime, the law on conflict of interests, fight against corruption, the certainty of punishment for criminals);

6) a policy of peace, disarmament and non-violence (taking as reference points, the thought of Gandhi and the last Terzani)

7) Information and Communication (reform of the communications system to ensure democracy and pluralism of information and new forms of citizen participation in the processes of formation of 'Public opinion and the dissemination of socially relevant content; law on conflicts of interest);

8) defense of constitutional principles;

9) defense of the rights to education and health of citizens through a revival of the school and public health.

While convinced of the goodness of the attempt, but we are aware of the obstacles are on its way. In addition to those already indicated by other measures (the state of information in Italy, the counter of the "caste" in terms of reforms of the electoral system, the presence of a bulky character discussed and controversial as Antonio Di Pietro), I think the greatest difficulty is that mentioned in one line of your editorial: the risk that the initiative is "impoverished personalities diatribes and shop. "

If the next election, in addition to the traditional parties should be present, in order: the authoritative list promoted by civic MICROMEGA, the "party" Beppe Grillo, the Humanists, the list for the Common Good (which seems intent on proceeding on its own, thanks to "amazing" achievement in the last election). ... Well, I think it would be a total disaster.

powers and interests that we face are enormous, and only with the help of all those who still care about the fate of our country can hope to do something.

fully subscribe to the data in the tips of his final letter from Lidia Ravera, despite his statements that I feel much less confused than most.

With warmth and respect

Andrea Rapetti

cultural association "Il Faro"

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question PRESENTER New Deaglio film on the G8 in Genoa - Wednesday, December 10

After the shameful in his favor for the killing of Diaz, in
occasion of World Day for Human Rights,

Genoa G8 2001
Make a coup and get away
Presentation of the new film about the G8 Enrico Deaglio, Mario Portanova
and Beppe Cremagnani.

Following discussions with Vittorio Agnoletto, Haidi Guliani, Lorenzo
Guadagnucci and the filmmakers
Presents Antonio Laren.

Milan, Wednesday, December 10, 20:30
Camera del Lavoro, Corso di Porta Vittoria 43

Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso and Work Society - Area
programmatic CGIL Milano.

Info: 02875045? -

*** Here is a brief presentation of the work, Best
documented the investigation into the events in Genoa and its impact on policy
attuale.Per explain the chain of command
who led the raid on the school, prosecutors Francesco Cardona Albini
Enrico Zucca and have referred to
a ruling which the Supreme Court ruled against Nazi officers and soldiers responsible
dell'eccidio of Sant'Anna di Stazzena.
Massimo D'Alema called the Diaz raid at an episode from "
Chilean night", while Michelangelo Fournier, a team leader who
involved and used the words "Mexican butchery."
made of 92 young people from all over the world were massacred
without mercy and without any reason and this act
sparked public outrage and protests of the World
registries across Europe.
The assault on Diaz is one of the episodes of police violence
occurred in the days of the G8 and the protests of the Social Forum.
During an exclusive interview for the documentary, Fausto Bertinotti
argues that democracy in those days was suspended. The judiciary,
who attempted to shed light on what happened in those days, it was
confronted with a wall of silence and
misleading on the part of law enforcement and politicians, "worthy," as
during the indictment pm Pumpkin, "by a real system
mafia. "Those who conceived and ordered the attacks on protesters? Only
police chiefs or government men
present in those days in Genoa played a leading role in the chain of command?
On This track moves the investigation and curated by Beppe Cremagnani
Enrico Deaglio with Mario Portanova in
a documentary lasting about 60 minutes. For the first time speak
protagonists of those days, the then Interior Minister Claudio Scajola, the '
former secretary of the Communist Refoundation, Fausto Bertinotti, the Hon.
Furio Colombo, former director of the Unit, the Hon. Ascierto Philip, An
parent committee in defense of Camera.
It 's the final reconstruction of the events in Genoa,
obtained through the results of the judicial investigation of the work
journalistic writing, exclusive interviews and meetings
reserved that took place during the preparation of
documentary. The events and the background of those days are
revised in a new light and this helps us to understand that Genoa
was not an isolated incident, an explosion of random police violence, but
that is deeply connected with what is happening
in today.

For the first time in this film talk about the people who had
institutional responsibility in the events and the "chain of command"
begins to be rebuilt. The climate of the time,
the responsibility of government, the vacuum and the alibis that created the
makers themselves, who played the role of the vice president of the Council
Fini, the only member of the government to be operating on
place. What I learned the political opposition, failed attempts at mediation
. The testimony of journalists and movie Rai
prevented silence.

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AGNOLETTO: "Israel seized Gaza in an Italian pacifist. THE ITALIAN STATE AND THE EU to be mobilized for FREE.

Press Vittorio Agnoletto

AGNOLETTO: "Israel seized Gaza in an Italian pacifist.

THE ITALIAN STATE AND THE EU to be mobilized for FREE.

PRESENTER question to the European Parliament '.

Milan, November 21, 2008 - "An Italian pacifist, Vittorio Arrigoni, was arrested last Tuesday by the Israeli Navy while he was seven miles from the coast, the off the Gaza Strip, on a peschereccuio along with a dozen Palestinian fishermen.

Arrigoni had decided, along with two other international activists for human rights, a Scotsman and an American, to accompany the Palestinians while find food. The Israeli navy has a requirement peschereggio and arrested all present although they were fishing in a sea area in which international agreements recognize the right to fish for the Palestinians.

detained without having committed any crime, was arrested for being expelled by the Israeli government as "persona non grata" is currently in prison in Ramla is about 30 kilometers from Tel Aviv.

Italy will start work immediately for the release of one of its nationals held illegally from another country - said Vittorio Agnoletto, MEP Rifondazione / European Left, this morning he phoned the Italian pacifist -.

Vittorio Arrigoni I announced this morning that began a hunger strike.

inconceivable that a person is seized by the State authorities, pending an expulsion unjustified, given that Arrigoni has never even set foot in Israel, it came directly to Gaza in September, with a ship of peace . The Italian Government can not remain silent in the face of what happened in Palestinian waters.

Today the European Commission will present a parliamentary , to ask Israel to respect international conventions, and in particular the Oslo Accords on the Arab-Israeli conflict, which provide the Palestinian self-rule in Gaza and the possibility of Palestinian fishermen to fish in a sea area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 miles from the coast as well as the safe passage of people in that area.

with Europe, Israel enjoys a special partnership: in this way can not trample the rights of a citizen of Europe, the European institutions without lifting a finger. "

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Millions of upcoming layoffs in Italy and ... From one teacher to

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Milan, 29/10/2008 - THE DAY AFTER (Michele Corsi)

The government signed into law the decree 137. He did it at great speed, as is happening to all measures affecting the school and the university. It has rightly been condemned quest'arroganza, but we focused on the why: because coerce time, place confidence, prevent debates? For contempt of Rooms? But if have an overwhelming majority! The answer seems simple: prolonged parliamentary debates would facilitate the movement of information between parents and teachers, and thus would increase their response capacity. They have miscalculated? I would say yes.

Movement, this movement does not cease to grow. I do not think that our leaders, and even the opposition, become really aware of what is happening in the country. It 'a grassroots movement, molecular, uncontrolled taking shape since early September, although its existence media have noticed only now. Its molecules are joint committees of parents and teachers of elementary and kindergarten. Only in Milan new ones are arising daily. The government says they are handled by the left. Maybe some of us might say. And instead it is the disappearance of the left and a credible and combative opposition that has made everyone understand that the school had to save himself without delegating.

The government hopes that, thanks to fast action, this mass of people return home. Again, you are mistaken. The force imposed by Berlusconi steps have increased the anger and indignation of the movement. The frustration is not being transformed in the sense of helplessness and depression, because in these weeks we have experienced our strength. Without help from anyone we have imposed media and the entire public of the urgency of school and university.

It 's a strength that comes from the determination, imagination, but also by a simple factor, which has always frightened, for ever, any government in power: the power of numbers. We are many. And the more the movement branches from the big cities down to small municipalities, these numbers become more people. And the only factor able to stop those who govern us. Berlusconi can not ignore the movement, but the polls for the first time the damage down, and thanks to the school. And in a while 'there will be administrative. .. Gelmini has lost to the teachers, otherwise he would not say such and such nonsense, no can afford to give, however, lost their parents. The people of the school is a flood of workers, but also, and even more: father, mother, grandparents, students ...

Someone somewhere is looking for room to practice the words for age Cossiga says now freely, after being hidden for years. I was not raised at the time, but I remember when the then interior minister called for national unity because the "students criminals" devastated Italy. We always suspected, but now he says: it was tactical, and quite a few 'of the windows have split its agents. I really think that not tempt the same game? Of fools of us willing to play his game frankly I see little. I see rather a lot of ingenuity. As students who imagined that Rome was indeed possible to manifest together to those of the extreme right. We must now only count on the number. Expanded, because the movement did not reach the its full potential, not all universities have moved, the school teachers and the averages are still , many common small and medium cities should be reached, the meetings with the parents the information we have yet to be organized in many places ... We are millions, because these are the numbers of schools and public universities, and we must ask ourselves in a position to "be" the millions.

Some imagine that now come home. And here perhaps is not a communication effort on the part of the movement. It is therefore necessary to reiterate concepts. What has been approved is a law that is only a piece of all legislative adjustments that will be voted to pass the cuts, cuts that were passed on August 6 with the Article of Law No. 133 .64. Still need to get out the laws regarding middle and high schools, universities and kindergartens, have yet to leave their implementing regulations, as do the measures set out include other passages 137 before being applied. After all the cuts will be spread over three long years. The eight billion in cuts to the school are thoroughly settled in the budget law, which must be voted yet. We have before us many months of resistance in schools and universities. It will be tough? Yeah sure, but Let's see even from their point of view: a mobilization that and that will not cease until the time of enrollment, and then training of staff, disputed point by point, year after year ... is not the first time that a law is passed and its content is not applied. Fioroni knows something that he too wanted so cut ... (Yes, less than Gelmini, but the difference between them, then, is how much?). But this should gear up to fight: strengthening the structures of the movement, connecting with each other, practicing the unity from below, by inventing forms of struggle long and sustainable. ..

heard a lot in these hours of referendum. It 's a mistake. It is putting up a machine that absorbs an enormous amount of energy to more uncertain outcomes, and at a time when the struggle has just begun. This may be considered, certainly, but not before the path to the end of any possibility mobiltazione in schools, universities, roads. Meanwhile, the institutional opposition forces could make a very nice thing: to adapt their programs and their proposals. The PD is still the idea of \u200b\u200bcutting the public school, but 8 not 6 billion, for example? The proposed referendum, however, shows that at least one small step they did: the demand of withdrawal of the 137, because until a week ago were not on this line. Well, now I ask for another small step: the demand for repeal of the 133 articles relating to schools and universities. Yes, because even if you were a referendum on the 137, would be the 133, which cuts . And the debate would be: the cuts are, in elementary we implement them, and then who do out?

The strike of 30 clearly shows the way forward. Of course, we do not strike a lot, but we know to be creative in finding new forms of struggle. It 'a strike called by unions majority, but that the whole movement has seized. It will strike with an unprecedented breadth events. Berlusconi had hoped, the day before approving the bill, compared to the discouraging participation. The success of this day we hope the show without a shadow of doubt that continues to fail evaluation, we are only beginning.

The contemporary economic crisis and cuts in schools and universities is a kind of metaphor. Governments around the world for twenty years after having lectured on the virtues of the market left by State, the money (state) for banks found them immediately. And, in exactly the same time, take away money for education, in Italy, but also in France: the money, which gets our money, run and go from here to there, from our classrooms to their accounts. The manifestation of self-organized in Milan on 30 will be open from a banner right symbolically by all social actors involved in the struggle: teachers, university average. It says: " schools and universities will not pay for your crisis."

Tremonti, benefactor of the banks, Gelmini, thief of school: we decide when the game is closed.

Michele Corsi, Retescuole

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precarious: the laws at the center of

From the site of "the Republic" - SCHOOL & YOUTH

of Intravaia EXCEPT

The single teacher. Restoration of single teacher in primary school as early as next school year is one of the subjects agreed that puts teachers, parents and most of the educators. The team (three teachers working on two classes) led the Italian primary school at the top in international rankings. The nostalgic return to the master only, say the unions, is dictated only by "cash needs" and shorten the time in school 24 hours per week: 4 ½ hours day (the text of the Act)

cuts the bodies of the school. pessimists talk of dismantling the Italian school, the government talks of cuts to eliminate waste. The fact is that the Budget provides for a real summer horse care for the school staff. A series of "transactions" as that of single teacher or the reduction of teaching hours in the middle and the top will allow the executive to cut 87 000 and 400 chairs and 44 000 places and 500 staff Ata: administrative, technical and auxiliary. 240 000 temporary teachers will be of the candidate to pay the high price, the price of "rationalization" of resources and that every year 80 000 Ata enable schools to operate (the text of the Act)

classes for foreign students. The creation of special classes for foreign students, "guilty" to slow down the learning process of pupils from our own, was not taken into consideration. But since the league has asked for and received approval of a motion establishing the classes of fact "only for foreigners," the question is added to the long list of reasons that lead the school to protest (the text of the motion)

The closure of schools. to rake a few hundred posts and head teacher, janitor and secretary staff the minister Gelmini ordered the regions, which have risen up, plans to play around with the sizing of the school network. According to calculations made by engineers in Viale Trastevere, a large proportion of the 10,766 schools divided into nearly 42 000 school buildings must be cut. So about 2,600 independent schools are likely to be dismembered and merged with other institutions. But what worries most local administrators is that the Ministry would like to erase from the map of the country's approximately 4,200 school complexes with fewer than 50 students.

The contract of prof. is not one of the key suspects in the media but the unions remind the government that teachers and prof have expired contract for 10 months. And in times of financial storms galloping inflation and the question is of some importance.

The measure "kills precarious" research institutions. The tourbillon also affects universities and research institutes where the protest has already led to demonstrations and occupations that see side by side students and professors from the Law 133 on the precarious (text) .
Under a bill, already passed by the House, which contains a provision on the stabilization of unstable, 60 000 our own minds that until now have worked at universities and research institutions are likely to see their dreams go up in smoke. If the institution on which they depend fail to stabilize them by June 30, 2009 will be another place: maybe abroad (the text of the measure)

The privatization of universities. Tremonti-Gelmini The couple, according to students and academics, has put the neck of the universities a real knot that will put in private hands. Decree-Law 112 provides for the annual reduction, until 2013, the Ordinary Fund and a cut of 46 percent on operating costs. A combined lack of oxygen that will force them to universities and, through the transformation into foundations, to seek private capital.

The turn over "with the dropper. Every five university professors who will retire in the coming years the universities can take a single researcher. To firmly join the academic world, for thousands of temporary workers already in force in universities, it becomes a real mirage. That's why the Union of university students have coined the slogan "smile ... if you can."
( October 17, 2008)

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protest "Life, land, freedom for the Palestinian people" / 29.11.2008 - Rome

"Life, land, freedom for the Palestinian people"

National Exhibition Rome November 29, 2008

no walls nor silence

Peace justice and freedom in Palestine

The United Nations has declared November 29 "international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. " We invite everyone to join the national demonstration in Rome along with the coordination of Palestinian communities in Italy and all'UDAP (Arabic Palestinian Democratic Union).

The Palestinian people after 60 years expropriation, harassment and violence, has seen in years of the second Intifada to progressively reduce its area of \u200b\u200brepresentation and political perspective in the Occupied Territories, Israel and around the world. The targeted killings and arbitrary arrests by the Israeli government have decapitated the leadership of the Palestinian political forces, the rest did the international community delegitimizing the main Palestinian political leaders of any inspiration, starting with those secular and pragmatic.

Meanwhile, the fragmentation of the territory determined by the construction of the wall and the indiscriminate growth of the colonies, and the ever- greater difficulty of movement for people and goods within the occupied territories, have crippled the Palestinian economy.

Palestinian That is a brave and tenacious people who has the same needs as any other people, and material needs: work, education, health and access to markets for primary goods and ideals need : the need to plan for the future, right to freely choose their political representatives, the right to self-determination. It 'a people that has shown many times even painful compromises must know and be able to make pragmatic choices: the repeated offers truce by Hamas, the Arab League peace initiative, the Mecca Agreements, and the reflection on the state only started a large part of Palestinian society reflect a desire to overcome the existing situation. A will that has been systematically ignored by the Israeli government and most of the international community, resulting in the Palestinian people a feeling of isolation and powerlessness and the results we see today.

The civilian population, caught between the Israeli military occupation and armed conflict between opposing factions, it was found, as always, to pay the price higher, in terms of loss of human lives and economic conditions worsened.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the spark that lights up all the conflicts in the Middle East, is yeast that grows year by a clash with the Arab-Muslim civilization, is a tool in the hands many of the governments and powers that they use to pursue their own ends.

peace to be found in justice, international law and truth, not in a normalization that puts to rest the legitimate aspirations for freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people.

The Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, and the irresponsible embargo by the international community to the Hamas government have given the coup de grace to an already shaky, and prevent to 1,500,000 people, of which 51% of children and adolescents, to have free access to basic services such as health, education, energy supplies. The siege of Gaza is a gross violation of human rights, and has produced a humanitarian crisis also repeatedly denounced by the United Nations.

C hiediamo men and women of all ages, the comrades of the parties, trade unions, associations and movements, which in recent years have been with us in research a just peace in Palestine / Israel to join us in the complaint siege of Gaza.

C hiediamo that the UN should make efforts to comply with all resolutions ignored or violated by the State of Israel, and we continue to ask the Italian Government, and European Union what we ask for years:

- the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestine

- a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem East capital

- the right of return for Palestinian refugees, as required by UN resolution 184

- the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

- the dismantling of the apartheid regime established by the Wall and Israeli settlements

- the end of ' siege imposed on the Gaza Strip

- withdrawal of military cooperation agreements Italy - Israel and the withdrawal of troops from the various theaters of war.

Meet at 15 at the Republic Square (opposite the church of S. Maria degli Angeli) behind the banner "Stop the Siege of Gaza"

For accessions:

assopace.nazionale @

Top accessions:

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The police should have no mercy .. .

The drift of the democratic state: the former president of the republic Cossiga encourages the police to massacre students and teachers

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Theatre with Ugly Duckling - "Women in Brecht" / 29.11.2008 - Legnano

"Women in Brecht's" open, Saturday, November 29, "The
wooden stage 5 the festival's theatrical groups
Legnanesi and its sponsored by Comune di Legnano and promoted by the Cultural
The Ugly Duckling.
And go to the theater, as well as being a satisfying experience and will be fun
also an act of solidarity
because the proceeds from the sale of tickets - 5 € -
will be donated in large part to Doctors Without Borders. A given
very important in the last 8 years of the Ugly Duckling
has collected and donated more than 16,000?
to Doctors Without Borders.
The Ugly Duckling is an association that deals with promoting
theater workshops and psychomotor
in nursery and primary schools as well as at its headquarters in
Via Venezia (the crossroad Via N. Sauro) Legnano,
recreational and cultural activities, exhibitions, concerts, theater
and conventions, all manifestations
targeted to involve the citizens and raise awareness on
of solidarity and its cultural development, in particular
The program of "The wooden stage 5" part so the
November 29, 2008, and ending after eight events,
Saturday, April 18, 2009. All appointments will be held at the billboard
Gianni Rodari Hall Theatre, in the Willows
in Legnano. A collection that ranges from
different genres: theater of civic engagement, inquiry, brilliant, comic
, dialect, theater song
always with the aim of proposing "a theater for everyone."
In January '09 kicks off "The wooden stage 5
Children," for audiences under 10 years of age
. For any further information, please visit the website
or call 340/8754812. Enclosed is the program of events and
the board of the first show. Enjoy.

Umberto Silvestri
Cultural Association "The Ugly Duckling"

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Prior to demonize Israel and to bomb Gaza, Hamas has been supported by Tel Aviv, to counter the PLO. And with today's raid, the Jewish state will only strengthen the Islamist movement.

By Uri Avnery *

Uri Avnery (Hebrew: אורי אבנרי , Helmut Ostermann original name) (Beckum, September 10, 1923) is an Israeli journalist and peace activist.

Just after midnight, the Arabic broadcaster Al Jazeera was broadcasting news of events in Gaza. Suddenly the camera was framed up at the dark sky. The screen was black background, you could not distinguish anything. But there was a sound you could hear: the sound of warplanes, a frightening, terrifying roar. It was impossible not to think about the tens of thousands of children in Gaza who were feeling at the same time, that sound, paralyzed by fear, waiting for the bombs from the sky.

"Israel must defend itself against rockets that are terrorizing our city in the south," said the Israeli spokesman.

"The Palestinians must respond to killings of their fighters in the Gaza Strip, "said Hamas spokesman.

To be exact, no cease-fire has been stopped, because no cease-fire was ever started.

The main requirement of any ceasefire in the Strip Gaza must be the opening of the passages. There can be no life in Gaza without a steady stream of supplies. But the borders have not been opened, if not a few hours every now and then.

Block and a half million human beings by land, sea and air is an act of war, just as the launch of the bombs or rockets.

paralyzed life in the Gaza Strip: eliminates most of the sources that create jobs, brings hundreds of thousands on the verge of death from starvation, stops the majority of hospitals, destroys the distribution of electricity and water. Those who have decided to close the passages - under any pretext - they knew that there would be no real cease-fire in these conditions. This is the main thing.

Then there were small provocations aimed deliberately to provoke the reaction of Hamas.

After several months during which Qassam rockets have barely seen, an army unit was sent to the Strip "to destroy a tunnel that came close to the border fence." From a purely strategic point of view, would had more sense ambush on our side of the border.

But the purpose was to find a pretext to put an end to the cease-fire, in a way that would allow to shift the blame to the Palestinians.

And so it was, after several smaller actions of this kind, in which several Hamas fighters were killed, Hamas responded with a massive launch of missiles, and, behold, the ceasefire has come to an end.

All have blamed Hamas.

What is the purpose?

Tzipi Livni announced openly: to overthrow the Hamas government in Gaza.

The Qassams are served only as pretext. Overthrow the Hamas government? Sounds almost like a chapter excerpt from the "March of Fools." After all, it is no secret that the Israeli government was to support Hamas in the beginning.

When questioned on this, the then head of the Shin-Bet, Yakakov Peri, who responded enigmatically:

"We did not create us, but we do not have prevented its creation." For years the occupation authorities promoted the Islamic movement in the occupied territories. Any other initiative was rigorously suppressed, but their activities were allowed in mosques. The calculation was simple and naive at the time the PLO was considered the main enemy, Yasser Arafat, the Satan.

Movement Islamic preaching against the PLO and Arafat and was therefore seen as an ally.

Abu Mazen, a "plucked chicken"

With the explosion of the first intifada in 1987, officially renamed itself the Islamic movement Hamas (the Arabic acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement") and joined the struggle. Even then, the Shin-bet did not move a finger against them for almost a year, while members of Fatah were killed or imprisoned in large numbers. Only a year after Sheik Ahmed Yassin and his colleagues were arrested.

Since then, the wheel has turned. Hamas today is the Satan, and the PLO is considered by many in Israel almost a branch of the Zionist movement.

The logical conclusion for a government in Israel interested in peace would have been to make major concessions to the Fatah leadership: an end to occupation, the signing of a peace treaty, the founding of the state of Palestine, the withdrawal within the 1967 borders, a reasonable solution to the problem of refugees, the release of all Palestinian prisoners. This would certainly have stopped the rise of Hamas. But logic has little influence over policy. Nothing like this has happened.

the contrary, after the killing of Arafat, Abu Mazen, who has taken his place, has been defined by Ariel Sharon a "plucked chicken."

Abu Mazen has not been granted a minimum operating margin of politics.

negotiations under American auspices, have become a joke. The most authentic leader of Fatah, Marwan Barghouti, was sent to prison for life. Instead of a massive release of prisoners, there were "signs" mean-spirited and offensive.

Abu Mazen has been systematically humiliated,

Fatah has taken the form of an empty shell, and

Hamas scored a resounding victory in Palestinian elections - the most democratic elections ever held in the Arab world.

Israel has boycotted the elected Government. In the ensuing battle

internal Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip.

And now, after all, the government of Israel has decided to "overthrow the Hamas government in Gaza."

The official name of the war is "lead time", two words from a children's song about a toy of Hanukkah. It would have been more appropriate to call it a "war of elections."

Even in past military actions were undertaken during election campaigns.

Menachen Begin bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor during the campaign of 1981.

When Shimon Peres said that it was a gimmick election, Begin raised his voice to rally the following: "Jews really believe that I could send our brave sons to death, or worse, to be taken prisoner by the animals, just to win the election? ".

Begin won. But Peres is not Begin.

When, during the campaign of 1996, ordered the invasion of Lebanon, all were convinced that it was a gimmick election. The war was a failure, Peres lost the elections and Netanyahu came to power.

Barak and Tzipi Livni are now using the same old trick.

According to surveys, the expected victory of Barak earned him five Knesset seats. About 80 Palestinian deaths for every seat. But it's hard to walk on cadavers.

success could evaporate in an instant, when the war began to be considered a failure by public opinion in Israel.

For example, if the rockets continue to hit Beersheba, or if the ground attack leads to a heavy toll on Israelis. A scientific experiment

The moment has been carefully chosen from a different point of view. The attack began two days after Christmas, when American and European leaders are on vacation. The calculation: even if someone wanted to try to stop the war, no one would give up to the holidays. This has ensured several days without any external pressure. Another reason which makes the appropriate time are the last days of Bush's stay in the White House.

It was expected that this idiot bloodthirsty enthusiastic backing the attack, as indeed it did.

Barack Obama has not yet begun his tenure, and thus has an excuse to remain silent: "There is only one president." This silence does not bode well for the term of Obama. The basic line is: do not repeat the mistakes of the second Lebanon war. This was repeated incessantly in every news and talk shows.

But the fact remains that the war in Gaza is a almost identical replica of the second Lebanon war.

The strategic concept is the same: to terrorize the civilian population by constant air attacks, sowing death and destruction. The pilots are not at risk, as the Palestinians do not have a flak. The calculation: if all the infrastructure that permit life in Gaza are literally destroyed, and then you get to total anarchy, the population will rise up and overthrow the Hamas regime.

Abu Mazen will then come to Gaza in the wake of Israeli tanks.

In Lebanon, this calculation did not work. The population bombed, Christians included, rallied around Hezbollah, and Nashrallah became the hero of the Arab world. Something similar will probably happen again this time. The generals are experts in using weapons and moving troops, not in mass psychology.

Some time ago I wrote that the blockade of Gaza can be understood as a scientific experiment, aimed to discover how you can starve a population before it bursts.

This experiment was carried out with the generous help of Europe and the United States. So far failed. Hamas has become stronger and the cast of Qassam longer. This war is a continuation of the experiment by other means. Could it be that the army "has no alternative" if you do not regain the Strip, there is no other way to stop the Qassams, except that - contrary to government policy - to reach an agreement with Hamas. When will the mission of the earth, all depend on the motivation and the ability of Hamas fighters than Israeli soldiers.

No one can predict what will happen.

Day after day, night after night, Al Jazeera broadcasts images of horrible: pieces of mutilated bodies, crying relatives searching for their loved ones among the dozens of dead bodies, a woman who raises her child from under the rubble, doctors in no uncertain trying to save the lives of the wounded. In millions are seeing these horrifying images, day after day. These images will be imprinted in their minds forever. A whole generation

cultivate hatred.

This is a terrible price, we will be forced to pay long after the other effects of war have been forgotten in Israel.

But there's another thing that you are instilling in the minds of these millions, the image of the corrupt Arab regimes and passive.

Viewed by the Arabs, a fact is binding on all others: the wall of shame. For the half million Arabs in Gaza who are suffering so terribly, the only opening to the world that is not dominated by Israel and the border with Egypt. Only from there can get the food that allows life, from there came the drugs that save the wounded. At the height of the horror that the border remains closed. The Egyptian army has blocked the only access to food and medicines, while surgeons operate without anesthetics. For the Arab world, from end to end, have echoed the words of Hassan Nashrallah: "Egyptian leaders are complicit in this crime, they are collaborating with the" Zionist enemy "that seeks to break the Palestinian people."

One can assume that he meant not only Mubarak but also all the other leaders, the Saudi King to the President of the PNA.

If you look at events throughout the Arab world, if you listen slogans, we can deduce the impression that their leaders are seen by many as pathetic at best, at worst as petty collaborators. This will have historic consequences. A generation of Arab leaders, a generation steeped in secular Arab nationalist ideology - the successors of Nasser, Hafez al-Assad and Yasser Arafat will be put-off stage. In

Arab camp, the only viable alternative is the ideology of Islamic fundamentalism. This war is an unfortunate omen: Israel is losing a historic opportunity to make peace with the secular Arab nationalism. Tomorrow may be ahead of an Arab world uniformly fundamentalist Hamas a thousand times bigger. translation Nicola Vincenzoni

From "Il Manifesto" of Sunday, January 4, 2009 page 16

* From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Uri Avnery (Hebrew: אורי אבנרי , Helmut Ostermann original name) (Beckum, September 10, 1923) is an Israeli journalist and peace activist.

He emigrated to Palestine with his family in 1933 and was forced to live in extreme poverty, and to abandon his studies. In 1938 he entered

nell'Irgun, far-right organization commanded by Menachem Begin and responsible for some terrorist attacks against the occupying British army but also against Arab enemies. Disagreeing with this second approach, the young left the Irgun in 1942.

was then forced to attend the first Arab-Israeli war and was wounded twice, recounted the atrocities suffered by the Palestinians in a book entitled "The downside". From this point on will continue to fight for peace.

After working briefly at the Ha'aretz newspaper, founded a new magazine, the Haolam Haze, who promoted some important negotiations with the Palestinian leadership.

Later he founded the movement Gush Shalom peace (Hebrew: שלום גוש , "the block of peace"), who led up to today.

in 1982 created an important interview with Yasser Arafat. Repeatedly banned and censored, Avnery continues to be one of the most active peace within the Jewish state.

Retrieved from ""

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How many more deaths, to feel the citizens of Gaza?

Intervention former information minister of the Palestinian national unity government

Mustafa Barghouti

Ramallah, 27 December 2008.

and light tomorrow, your newspapers, which ended the truce in Gaza.

therefore was not a siege, but a form of peace, that field of concentration

mowed by hunger and thirst. It depends on what the

difference between peace and war? From the accounting of the dead? And the children consumed

malnutrition, what account you complain?

died of war or peace, those who die because there is no electricity in

operating room? It's called peace when there are missiles - but how

calls, when everything else is missing?

and light on your newspapers tomorrow, that all this is just a preemptive strike

only legitimate, inalienable right of self-defense.

The fourth military power in the world, its muscles against nuclear rockets

tin, and papier-mâché and despair. And I will elaborate

course, that no, this is not an attack against civilians - and

on the other side, but how could it ever be, if three men chatting

of Palestine, here on the street corner are for

Israeli law a core of resistance, and thus an illegal group,

a fighting force? - If official documents are marked as

enemy entity, and without the slightest ethical bank, cancer

Israel? If the goal is to eradicate Hamas - all

strengthens Hamas. Arrive on board the fighter export

the rhetoric of democracy, a board game back then strangle

the exercise of democracy - but what other option is left? Do not let them explode on sudden

. It is not fundamentalism,

to be bombed this time, but everything here is opposed to

fundamentalism. All that this does not dim ferocity

returns Free hatred equal and opposite, but a word barefoot

box, the clarity of thinking the courage to desert - not

an attack against terrorism, this, but against the other Palestinian,

third and different while dodging missiles close connection between the complicity of

Fatah and Hamas myopia. He was going to kill me in self-defense, I had to kill him in self-defense

- tell it like that, one day


and light on your newspapers tomorrow, which is impossible

any peace process, Israelis, unfortunately, did not someone with

to talk about. And indeed - but how and could never get it,

entrenched eight-meter concrete wall? And above all -

why should it, if the Road Map is just another weapon of mass distraction

for international public opinion?

four pages in which we, for example, are asked to stop terrorist attacks

, and in return, they say, Israel will not take any action that could

undermine confidence between the parties, such as - quote - the

attacks against civilians. Assassinate civilians undermines confidence, undermines

the right, is a war crime not a matter of courtesy. And if

Annapolis peace process, and the only map that proceeds the meantime, here are

lands confiscated, olive trees flattened houses demolished,

settlements expanded - so why is not the peace process

Saudi proposal? The end of the occupation in exchange for

recognition by all Arab states. We can have if nothing else

a sign of reaction? Someone there to hear the case,

other side of the Wall?

But I'm here to tell you the wind. Why just read a line tomorrow about

and only your newspapers tomorrow, then just read, again,

indifference. And it's just that I feel, while F-16s flying over

my loneliness, to hundreds of collateral damage that I know

name to name, lives a life - just a dizzying infinity

abandonment and loss. Europeans, Americans and even the Arabs - which is why

sovereignty over Egypt, the crossing of Rafah, the Egyptian moral,

to seal the Rafah? - We're just alone. Fashion shows here,

delegation after delegation - and talking, he would have said Garcia Lorca,

words remain in the air like corks on the water. Offer

humanitarian aid, but we are not beggars, we want dignity, freedom,

open borders, do not ask for favors, claim rights. And

you arrive, angry and participate, ask what you can do to

us. A school? A clinic perhaps? Scholarship? And every time we try to convince

- no, not the generous solidarity, taught

Bobbio, only the strict justice - sanctions, sanctions against Israel. But

answer - and neutral each time, and therefore partakers of

imbalance, partisans of the winners - no, it would be anti-Semitic. But who is more anti-Semitic

, Who has spoiled Israel step by step to

sixty years, to disfigure the most dangerous country in the world

Jews, or those who feels that a Wall marks a ghetto

on both sides? Rereading Hannah Arendt is perhaps an anti-Semite, now that we

his Palestinian scum of the earth, is anti-Semitic

return to illuminate its pages on power and violence, the last race

subject to British colonialism, which would have been Finally, the British

same? No, not anti-Semitism, but the exact opposite

support the many Israelis who try to escape a call Nakbah

Zionism. Why is not an attack against terrorism,

this, but against the other Israel, the third and different, while dodging the

single thought closely to the complicity of the left and right of myopia


I know what I read, tomorrow, on your newspapers. But no

self-defense, no need for security. All this is called only

apartheid - and genocide. Because no matter which Israeli policies

, technically, sock or no to the millimeter

delicately chiselled definition under international law, his aristocratic

formalism, its claim to objectivity that are not

yet another side here, that supports and multiplies the force

winners. The gas of these aircraft is your neutrality, is the

your silence, the sound of these explosions. Some felt

Berlin Wall in front of another. How many more deaths, to feel


(text by Francesca Borri collected and published on the site

Directions On How To Make A Stand Up Bike Cake

"The new book by Marcello Pera" - Alessandro Litta Modignani

The new book (mystifying) former President of the Senate

Alessandro Litta Modignani - from "The Opinion" of November 26, 2008

Who reviews: Marcello Pera. The former chairman of the Senate, completely marginalized from the political scene, returns to bookstores with a title that says it all: "Why do we call ourselves Christians. Liberalism, Europe, ethics. " By itself, the use of the imperative that "we" sounds vaguely threatening and anything but liberal. Pera ambirebbe to paraphrase the famous essay by Benedetto Croce and latch on to the great tradition of classical liberalism, the better to liquidate a other and offer them as gifts, such as sacrificial lambs, the author of the preface, Pope Benedict XVI. The operation is so instrumental to the discovery and culturally not only be ineffective, but even a little 'ridiculous.

thinking crusader, says Pera, is no longer enough. We must go further. "There is no liberalism without God," so we have to "raise the Christian flag" and "cultivate a faith" or "Today that has become anti-Christian liberalism is without foundation and its freedoms are suspended in a vacuum. So even call themselves "Christians to culture," that is in the generic sense of Western civilization, is no longer adequate to the challenges of the twenty-first century.

In fact, as already noted Massimo Teodori effectively in an essay of 2006 ("Laity - The Hoax Italian") Marcello Pera has long since made a clear break from the liberal culture. He himself admitted: "My liberalism needs to be seriously and deeply fixed ... Our old idea of \u200b\u200ba free society, or open society is no longer enough to solve the problems of European cultural and spiritual crisis ... The old concepts of the secular state, church-state separation, religious-political-moral law must be reconsidered "(conference on" Freedom and secularism ", Fondazione Magna Charta, October 15, 2005). Other than Benedetto Croce! And more to Karl Popper, which Pera was a long time ago one of the greatest scholars. You do not really understand under which abstraction, a character who says and writes these things, can expect to continue to call themselves liberal, without provoking a crisis of general hilarity.

These theories neo-neo-clerical and temporality of Pera are so naive, in line with the haughty assumption of the character, it deserves only to be disdained. Much more interesting and enlightening, if anything, are the two pages of preface that Pope Ratzinger has written in his own hand, by way 'of imprimatur. Eulogy the book, Benedict XVI writes: "She said very clearly that inter-religious dialogue, in the strict sense of the word, you can not .... without putting their faith in brackets. But the dialogue was not it was the strongest element innovator emerged from the Council, called by John XXIII and then realized, very carefully, by Paul VI? Here, then, explained the deeper meaning of the operation of the political-cultural book. After the "healthy" secularism is the time for the "right interpretation" of the Council, namely the collapse of both. "Liberalism can connect to a doctrine of good, Christianity in particular, offering its contribution to overcoming the crisis, "the Pope gives his goodness. The European liberalism, fortunately, has shoulders broad enough not to be intimidated by these attempts to expropriation. The Italian, unfortunately, far less.

Wetting Latigo Leather

fundamentalists who do not hold

Alessandro Litta Modignani

(published in "L'Opinion" 8 January 2009)

In these days of fiery debate between secular and Catholic culture culture , tries to make his way with difficulty an intermediate position, array tolerant and liberal, far from sleeve and extreme opinions. He interprets last Riccardo Chiaberge, with the beautiful book "The variable" God "(Rizzoli), which compares the astronomer Father George Coyne Catholic and secular Arno Penzias, Nobel laureate discoverer of the Big Bang. The result is a delightful read, interesting and instructive, as far as possible free from bias. In the final chapter Chiaberge try to arrive at a synthesis acceptable to all, about the conflict between science and faith. The author clearly defends the freedom of research to be packing, especially of religious and ecclesiastical. At the same time, however, distanced itself from some point of atheism and some extremist 'hysterical to Richard Dawkins, or in Italy, with Piero Odifreddi. Chiaberge hopes a "bilateral disarmament" and an attitude of openness on both sides, against "the worst instincts clerical and anticlerical." A prerequisite for this dialogue is to "share the sense of limits," which the author identifies the rule "Socratic Popper: I know I do not know."

A similar proposal is also to Dario Antiseri Giorello and Julius, with the book "Freedom - A poster for believers and nonbelievers" (Bompiani). The two philosophers - the first Catholic, the second atheist, both liberal matrix - talk of pluralism, opposed to absolutism and any claim to truth, propose secularism as a "common ground" for the comparison between secularists and Catholics, believers and unbelievers, on the themes of science, faith, church and individual freedom. Finally, a few weeks ago in the Corriere della Sera, Claudio Magris comes out against any kind of fundamentalism, "it matters little whether or triumphant triumphantly atheistic bigot." At the bottom of Benedict XVI condemned on ethical relativism, but recognizes its validity on the political front, as the foundation of democracy, Magris observes. Thus a comparison would be possible, indeed desirable, against "opposing fundamentalisms."

These observations apparently shared and full wisdom, however, collide with the fact that, across the Tiber, the Vatican hierarchy are not willing to compromise. They have other ambitions, and many other projects.

in inaugurating the meeting last summer in Rimini of Communion and Liberation, Cardinal Bagnasco said it clearly enough: we must not accept the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing tolerated because we are bearers of truth. We are constantly asked to put aside our faith, but we can not and will not give it up. Christianity is not a crossing point in history, but history itself. In other words, the Catholic Church requires its leadership and does not admit that faith is considered review among many, is no longer willing to accept the distinction between sin and crime, the basis of the secular state and of law does not recognize even more the thought cross, "we can not call ourselves Christians" is simplistic and dangerous. "We call ourselves Christians" is the title of the last book of peremptory Marcello Pera, where he said: "Liberalism is not without God," the enthusiastic foreword by Benedict XVI. Other

that "bilateral disarmament", but Socrates and Popper: the opponents of the secular culture does not intend to "share" any sense of limits. E 'seriously propose illusory to them "secularism as common ground for comparison, just knowing how to read the words of Bagnasco. The open and conciliatory attitude of Chiaberge, the Antiseri, Magris shows the great tolerance surely, but inevitably collides with a party much more aggressive and threatening, unwilling to compromise. In this sense, it is likely to be a dangerous underestimation of the most powerful enemies of open society.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Daniel Jones Sculpture


18 November '08 h: 11.00
Busto Arsizio
DEPARTURE: Piazza San Giovanni
ARRIVAL: Palais de Justice (Court)

There will be a parade on the occasion of the presence of the Minister Justice Angelino Alfano.

Italian Constitution Article 3:
All citizens are equal before the law

The Lodo Alfano provides immunity to the four highest offices of state (Pres. of the Republic, Council Pres, Pres of the Senate, Pres .'s Room).

All citizens are invited to express their dissent against a law that destroys one of the main pillars of the Italian Constitution.

click to enlarge