Letter from the President of the "Faro" the director of Micromega Paolo Flores D'Arcais
Dear Editor,
I read with great pleasure your editorial, has opened a fundamental debate in this moment for the democratic life of our country.
Milan (as in the rest of the country) there are many organizations (associations, movements, meetups ...) which, while different in their specificity, are united by the urgency that many people feel to "do something" to counter the many problems that have beset our country or we see looming in the near future (economic crisis, impoverishment, climate emergency and environmental risks of conflicts, rampant lawlessness mafia ...).
All these actually trying somehow to fill a big void we feel in the political sphere, namely in the dimension that should give answers to these problems and instead feel that as more and more remote from citizens, even when more and more self-accomplice and directly responsible.
This wealth of experience, skills, intelligence and energy is an archipelago of small islands, if they could meet in a big continent, might be the real news, the only one able to make possible a turn for the our country.
in recent months in Milan have been held meetings organized by the cultural association "Il Faro", which was launched the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a completely new political proposal that looks to the future and not the past, built through the collaboration of all those (individuals, associations, movements, civil lists) who wish to participate. This proposal is entirely in keeping with that you have launched, which we fully agree, but as we share the concerns highlighted by many of the difficulties of the enterprise.
the meetings referred to above were some representatives or representatives of the following associative realities:
ATDAL ((Association for the Preservation of acquired rights of workers)
cultural association "Il Faro"
Rete Lilliput
national civic list for the Common Good
List civic " United to Milan with Dario For "
Meetup" breathing down his neck "and" speaker Grilli di Milano "
Association Megachip
Punto Rosso di Milano
Humanist Party Website" Another 68 "
Association Design and live another Milan
From these meetings emerged a general interest in the project, but also many reservations and concerns.
We have identified those that we believe should be the key points of a new political force in civil society:
1) fight widespread impoverishment (addressing the problem of salaries and pensions, housing, health ticket , school fees);
2) protection of workers (employees and must give new hope to new generations the problem of insecurity, impoverishment general safety in the workplace);
3) public participation in the life democracy (Law election to return power to the citizen and the right choice of forum; reform of the party system, to restore a proper relationship between voters and elected officials, code of ethics for political solidarity federalism);
4) environment - energy - area - infrastructure (the environmental emergency is imposed as an absolute priority, we still need a renewed environmentalism that combines environmental protection with modernization of the country, defense of water as a common good, development of renewable energy, energy conservation, rethinking of the transport system in our country, a political eco-differentiated waste disposal);
5) Law and security (on the side of honest citizens, fight against organized crime, the law on conflict of interests, fight against corruption, the certainty of punishment for criminals);
6) a policy of peace, disarmament and non-violence (taking as reference points, the thought of Gandhi and the last Terzani)
7) Information and Communication (reform of the communications system to ensure democracy and pluralism of information and new forms of citizen participation in the processes of formation of 'Public opinion and the dissemination of socially relevant content; law on conflicts of interest);
8) defense of constitutional principles;
9) defense of the rights to education and health of citizens through a revival of the school and public health.
While convinced of the goodness of the attempt, but we are aware of the obstacles are on its way. In addition to those already indicated by other measures (the state of information in Italy, the counter of the "caste" in terms of reforms of the electoral system, the presence of a bulky character discussed and controversial as Antonio Di Pietro), I think the greatest difficulty is that mentioned in one line of your editorial: the risk that the initiative is "impoverished personalities diatribes and shop. "
If the next election, in addition to the traditional parties should be present, in order: the authoritative list promoted by civic MICROMEGA, the "party" Beppe Grillo, the Humanists, the list for the Common Good (which seems intent on proceeding on its own, thanks to "amazing" achievement in the last election). ... Well, I think it would be a total disaster.
powers and interests that we face are enormous, and only with the help of all those who still care about the fate of our country can hope to do something.
fully subscribe to the data in the tips of his final letter from Lidia Ravera, despite his statements that I feel much less confused than most.
With warmth and respect
Andrea Rapetti
cultural association "Il Faro" http://www.associazioneilfaro.blogspot.com/
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