Saturday, October 11, 2008

Axe Spray Cause Heart Palpitations

LOST ECONOMY - by Alberto Conti (10/10/2008 .... collapse of the bags)

Once Upon a Time ... a deserted island far from all routes, beautiful, lush, rich and pure water of every natural resource, an island that is not on charts. During a storm a large cruise ship suffered a sudden failure of the onboard, and within minutes was wrecked on its reefs and it is not possible to do anything, not even launch an SOS. Miraculously, a thousand passengers and crew members managed to escape to reach the nearest beach.

Since May 1 called it "Island of the job, partly because they became immediately aware of having to fend for themselves in the years to come.
now decided in plenary session to give themselves a democratic government, declaring a sovereign state, initially owned the island and the sea (public land). In the division of tasks entrusted the management of the emerging single bank, known as "Banca Nazionale del Lavoro" abbreviated BNL, two brothers experts from Geneva, the brothers Lemani. This nascent
bank does not own any assets, like all the other survivors, but there was a collection to provide it with a pen and paper, plus a few gold pendant and other gadgets fortuitously preserved after the shipwreck, as well as symbolic reserve guarantee for loans in the new currency, now called "Hesperus" decided by a young English couple expecting their first child, which was also the first indigenous work.

was important that the bank is activated immediately, allowing the start of the first trade, issuing currency, partly because the state work was in urgent need to collect taxes to finance essential public works: roads, schools, hospitals and so on .
said than done, the brothers began writing Lemani banknotes, a mo 'acknowledgment of their debt to the community, to be delivered to anyone who did a reasoned request, guaranteeing a minimum return with interest added. The accounts of these movements was the strength of these two hard working professionals, who missed nothing and did not hardly ever accounting errors, in which the trust of all Lavorini was very well placed.

Established a simple and efficient tax system, developed by the democratically elected Minister of Finance, the generous Mr. Sunshine, soon the state coffers were filled with thousands of new "experiment." The management of the Treasury was entrusted to an English noble cousin of the brothers of Geneva, clear and undisputed reputation, said Drago. With this money we could finally start the state machine. He even managed to take hundreds of public employees dedicated to various tasks, productive and administrative.

Col time work more enterprising companies of all kinds formed thriving, thanks to bank loans. Some of these companies, once established, took over the production activities public, making them more efficient, so much so that civil servants were reduced to administrators and teachers. It was started so the period of privatization, who gradually also affected land, buildings, infrastructure fee, and even the bank. In short, all public services were regularly contracted to private companies, much to the benefit of value for money for the taxpayer-user. But the state often had to ask for more money in the bank loan, to be able to guarantee services to citizens and demanding new infrastructure construction, which are essential to the new private companies, so borrowing more and asking more and more taxes to Lavorini, even to pay the increased interest on the debt. The population welcomed the changes with resigned hope for a better future, confirming the confidence in its representatives-not worse.

But to keep all need to work much better, more and more and more money to circulate, passing from hand to hand, to end sooner or later in the Brothers Lemani safe as any installment of a private mortgage or charge on public debt. At one point, private companies, including Bank, decided to capitalize better than issuing shares and debt securities, that the most discerning Lavorini bought with the "experiments" hard-earned and saved. Needless to say, the most important entrepreneurs found themselves in too many money to fund current needs, so that the gains invested in government debt in the same BNL, such as interest-bearing deposit and / or shares, thus becoming co-owner with his brothers Lemani. These in turn buy shares of various companies on behalf of the BNL & Associates.

.... And the cast was .... together with the financial market, the new center of interest of traders. Their insatiable greed sparked speculative the supply of new financial products, all sorts of bets made on the progress of the underlying productive economy. Obviously this new investment and stimulated further expansion of absorbing liquidity provided by BNL.

island while life became more and more expensive, but wages did not grow in proportion, quite rightly, not to exacerbate the inflation ringalluzzendo too hated the spending power of citizens. State and its citizens still piled up huge debts, which also grew to be able to pay at least interest, the lesser evil. But if the accounting was correct, since that money is a zero sum game, in all that debt had to pay a spread of credit, but all concentrated in the hands of brothers Lemani & Associates, now owners of land, buildings, large enterprises, infrastructure, fleet, newspapers, etc.. So the news came only from journalists paid by caste, and it was clear that they were somewhat ambiguous and misleading, specially made to split in two the assembly of the representatives of the people who did not seem to want to understand the situation, arguing about everything except property of the "experiments". The "experiment" has always been clear that they are all owned by BNL that issued them, and eventually return to BNL. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and feel honored by the his magnanimity, which allows you to work for him again, despite your misery. After all, people warned him that, but it was as if he would accept it, even knowing it, hiding its head in the sand, each on its own. So to distract and alleviate this painful removal of a large stadium was built, where every Sunday they faced the two opposing teams, Juventus and rossoverdi, and people there all together and caste elated that they loved and respected. What the sports
began the first vandalism and violence without a reason first. The first growth crisis was near.
followed other economic cycles of boom followed by crisis events, and whenever the BNL adjust the reference rate in function "cyclical", but the results were more disappointing. The only noticeable effect was the expansion of the money issued in waves, known as liquidity in circulation, though not always tell the truth you "saw" circular island. In fact, this new liquidity in "experiments" would end almost all on the same side, the market for financial products, increasing the gap between population debtor and creditor caste, in spite of many goods to impoverished families had already been sold by desperate citizens, to meet basic needs of course to higher realizations. Fortunately, new owners were able to appreciate rapidly, returning to the true market value, their market.
Unfortunately, even the sea surrounding the island and showed signs of suffering more and more marked, of overfishing and environmental degradation that threaten to clog the trend of production development. Some fool said "it was better when it was worse, but thankfully some urged wise sense of responsibility, fearing for the fate of the economy that feed everyone.
umpteenth economic crisis ever deeper, the rich investors began to withdraw their claims from gambling, but this time the worst happened. On rumors cracked confidence in the bank, and the voices had a chilling confirmation: there was no cash in the coffers of the bank, brothers Lemani, Rosi remorse and shame, had fled days sailing without a trace, taking away the books to dig into the depths of the ocean. Panico, entrepreneurs wanted to escape themselves, but the angry mob stopped them. Fortunately, the guards did just in time to take them to safety in prison, awaiting trial. In the chaos that followed people spoke to calm tempers.

"Quiet people, not every cloud has a silver lining. Without the fear of poverty that has overwhelmed not progressively we built so fast roads, bridges, villages and farms. Now there's too much of what is not needed and too little about how much need to live together, peacefully, in a developed economy in the quality of primary asset, the environment in which we live and from which comes all the nourishment material and spiritual that we need. Still have to work a lot, but in gladness, first to repair the damage and then to develop the unlimited capacity to love our fellow man and the universe whole, as a single entity to which we belong on this trip, which began with a shipwreck but can continue to find ourselves in a spirit stronger and more mature. To avoid more trouble we can keep most of our habits, such as a monetary-based economy, but this time the issuer of the new currency, called "fair", we all of us who make up the true state, represented by institutions public transparency and participation, made to establish and preserve the common good. We will not have to worry about individually and selfishly adversities of life, but only with sincere passion to contribute to its well recognized as a common good, they can finally express the best of our abilities, because we do state laws that protect human dignity in all circumstances, based on the guiding principles of solidarity, justice, brotherhood and universal respect.
only way we can find the true meaning of freedom in our wonderful journey into the world. "

And they lived happily ever after ....


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