Saturday, October 18, 2008

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protest "Life, land, freedom for the Palestinian people" / 29.11.2008 - Rome

"Life, land, freedom for the Palestinian people"

National Exhibition Rome November 29, 2008

no walls nor silence

Peace justice and freedom in Palestine

The United Nations has declared November 29 "international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. " We invite everyone to join the national demonstration in Rome along with the coordination of Palestinian communities in Italy and all'UDAP (Arabic Palestinian Democratic Union).

The Palestinian people after 60 years expropriation, harassment and violence, has seen in years of the second Intifada to progressively reduce its area of \u200b\u200brepresentation and political perspective in the Occupied Territories, Israel and around the world. The targeted killings and arbitrary arrests by the Israeli government have decapitated the leadership of the Palestinian political forces, the rest did the international community delegitimizing the main Palestinian political leaders of any inspiration, starting with those secular and pragmatic.

Meanwhile, the fragmentation of the territory determined by the construction of the wall and the indiscriminate growth of the colonies, and the ever- greater difficulty of movement for people and goods within the occupied territories, have crippled the Palestinian economy.

Palestinian That is a brave and tenacious people who has the same needs as any other people, and material needs: work, education, health and access to markets for primary goods and ideals need : the need to plan for the future, right to freely choose their political representatives, the right to self-determination. It 'a people that has shown many times even painful compromises must know and be able to make pragmatic choices: the repeated offers truce by Hamas, the Arab League peace initiative, the Mecca Agreements, and the reflection on the state only started a large part of Palestinian society reflect a desire to overcome the existing situation. A will that has been systematically ignored by the Israeli government and most of the international community, resulting in the Palestinian people a feeling of isolation and powerlessness and the results we see today.

The civilian population, caught between the Israeli military occupation and armed conflict between opposing factions, it was found, as always, to pay the price higher, in terms of loss of human lives and economic conditions worsened.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the spark that lights up all the conflicts in the Middle East, is yeast that grows year by a clash with the Arab-Muslim civilization, is a tool in the hands many of the governments and powers that they use to pursue their own ends.

peace to be found in justice, international law and truth, not in a normalization that puts to rest the legitimate aspirations for freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people.

The Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, and the irresponsible embargo by the international community to the Hamas government have given the coup de grace to an already shaky, and prevent to 1,500,000 people, of which 51% of children and adolescents, to have free access to basic services such as health, education, energy supplies. The siege of Gaza is a gross violation of human rights, and has produced a humanitarian crisis also repeatedly denounced by the United Nations.

C hiediamo men and women of all ages, the comrades of the parties, trade unions, associations and movements, which in recent years have been with us in research a just peace in Palestine / Israel to join us in the complaint siege of Gaza.

C hiediamo that the UN should make efforts to comply with all resolutions ignored or violated by the State of Israel, and we continue to ask the Italian Government, and European Union what we ask for years:

- the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestine

- a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem East capital

- the right of return for Palestinian refugees, as required by UN resolution 184

- the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails

- the dismantling of the apartheid regime established by the Wall and Israeli settlements

- the end of ' siege imposed on the Gaza Strip

- withdrawal of military cooperation agreements Italy - Israel and the withdrawal of troops from the various theaters of war.

Meet at 15 at the Republic Square (opposite the church of S. Maria degli Angeli) behind the banner "Stop the Siege of Gaza"

For accessions:

assopace.nazionale @

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