Saturday, October 18, 2008

Directions On How To Make A Stand Up Bike Cake

"The new book by Marcello Pera" - Alessandro Litta Modignani

The new book (mystifying) former President of the Senate

Alessandro Litta Modignani - from "The Opinion" of November 26, 2008

Who reviews: Marcello Pera. The former chairman of the Senate, completely marginalized from the political scene, returns to bookstores with a title that says it all: "Why do we call ourselves Christians. Liberalism, Europe, ethics. " By itself, the use of the imperative that "we" sounds vaguely threatening and anything but liberal. Pera ambirebbe to paraphrase the famous essay by Benedetto Croce and latch on to the great tradition of classical liberalism, the better to liquidate a other and offer them as gifts, such as sacrificial lambs, the author of the preface, Pope Benedict XVI. The operation is so instrumental to the discovery and culturally not only be ineffective, but even a little 'ridiculous.

thinking crusader, says Pera, is no longer enough. We must go further. "There is no liberalism without God," so we have to "raise the Christian flag" and "cultivate a faith" or "Today that has become anti-Christian liberalism is without foundation and its freedoms are suspended in a vacuum. So even call themselves "Christians to culture," that is in the generic sense of Western civilization, is no longer adequate to the challenges of the twenty-first century.

In fact, as already noted Massimo Teodori effectively in an essay of 2006 ("Laity - The Hoax Italian") Marcello Pera has long since made a clear break from the liberal culture. He himself admitted: "My liberalism needs to be seriously and deeply fixed ... Our old idea of \u200b\u200ba free society, or open society is no longer enough to solve the problems of European cultural and spiritual crisis ... The old concepts of the secular state, church-state separation, religious-political-moral law must be reconsidered "(conference on" Freedom and secularism ", Fondazione Magna Charta, October 15, 2005). Other than Benedetto Croce! And more to Karl Popper, which Pera was a long time ago one of the greatest scholars. You do not really understand under which abstraction, a character who says and writes these things, can expect to continue to call themselves liberal, without provoking a crisis of general hilarity.

These theories neo-neo-clerical and temporality of Pera are so naive, in line with the haughty assumption of the character, it deserves only to be disdained. Much more interesting and enlightening, if anything, are the two pages of preface that Pope Ratzinger has written in his own hand, by way 'of imprimatur. Eulogy the book, Benedict XVI writes: "She said very clearly that inter-religious dialogue, in the strict sense of the word, you can not .... without putting their faith in brackets. But the dialogue was not it was the strongest element innovator emerged from the Council, called by John XXIII and then realized, very carefully, by Paul VI? Here, then, explained the deeper meaning of the operation of the political-cultural book. After the "healthy" secularism is the time for the "right interpretation" of the Council, namely the collapse of both. "Liberalism can connect to a doctrine of good, Christianity in particular, offering its contribution to overcoming the crisis, "the Pope gives his goodness. The European liberalism, fortunately, has shoulders broad enough not to be intimidated by these attempts to expropriation. The Italian, unfortunately, far less.


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