Giulietto Church - Friday, October 17, 2008 at 21:00
Association "The Lighthouse" Canegrate
Many are seriously concerned about what is happening in the world and in our country.
The world financial crisis with no brakes, only to find that with the historic 1929, will probably kneeling on the real economy in coming years.
The collapse of the ecosystem global risk is a more tangible and close.
winds of war sweep the planet, backed by huge economic interests and ideologies distorted and thwarted by policies of peace increasingly weak.
As for our country, it seems to have taken the route of a major decline in the cultural, social, economic and political.
mafia-type criminal organizations have now taken over a large chunk of our economy, and their intertwining with political and financial environments are more and more sprawling.
Freedom of information is seriously compromised by conflicts of interest and the heavy conditioning of political forces.
The independence of the judiciary, a cornerstone of any liberal democracy, is under severe threat.
The waves of immigration, along with sincere expressions of solidarity, they're bringing out the worst feelings of the Italian population, fear the refusal open up to feelings of racism.
are also emerging profound economic contradictions, they see the increasingly widening gap between a privileged elite and the rest of the population, more or less slowly slipping into poverty.
Faced with this situation, the politics, that is the place where they should be prepared responses to these issues, shows a desolate landscape. I think Today many citizens of our country united by sincere feelings and important democratic core values \u200b\u200bdo not feel adequately represented by any of the political forces in the field.
The cultural association "Il Faro" as early as last May had called for the attention of citizens of Legnano on the need to fill this "empty" politician, with a public meeting entitled "The party that does not exist", which participated Elio Veltri, Vittorio Agnoletto, Basilio Rizzo.
few days ago by Paolo Flores D'Arcais authoritative pages Micromega has launched a major policy forum ("Another Italy, another opposition") in which the forces called the appeal of "democratic resistance" to the presentation of a national civil list to the next European elections.
The "Lighthouse" considers this proposal and the discussion that followed it of great importance for the future of the country.
why he arranged for Friday, October 17 at 21.00, at the Circle Brotherhood and Peace Street San Bernardino, 12 Legnano, a public meeting with Giulietto Church, journalist and MEP, right on these issues.
All citizens, associations and journalists are invited Legnano.
Andrea Rapetti
President of "The Lighthouse"
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